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August 4th 2023

It feels like my life has finally begun

  • First-hand experiences
  • Understanding & Insight

“It was always my dream to work in a country that is highly regarded in civil engineering. The Netherlands is such a country. It has a great reputation for designing, constructing and building infrastructure and large buildings. Everyone knows the Delta Works."

Please note: this article was translated using a translator app

Sami Humaid, structural engineer at Sweco says: “My father motivated me to become a structural engineer. After studying in my native Yemen, I was able to attend one of the top universities in Malaysia, where I graduated in 2018. After that, I wanted nothing more than to work ."

 "However, returning to Yemen was not an option due to the civil war and humanitarian crisis. I was last there in 2017 and I was interrogated for hours at every checkpoint. I then realized that I could no longer be there. Since then I have only seen my father still via Google Meet. It's hard to miss him, but I wanted to live and he wanted me to succeed abroad. I'm glad he pushed me."

I felt that I had perspective again

 "After my asylum application in the Netherlands, I emailed more than 100 application letters to companies. 'You have to learn Dutch first' was the regular response. I came into contact with Refugee Talent Hub, a platform that brings refugees and employers together with The aim was paid jobs. These people gave me the feeling that I had prospects. I was helped by a permanent contact person and I got to know companies through speed dates just have to be patient, because my experience just didn't match what they were looking for at the time. A year later the time had come. I was hired at Sweco and was allowed to start in February!"

 "After only 3 weeks I was involved in a project in Amsterdam IJburg. Great! I have felt connected to it since the first minute. I also have a lot of freedom and personal responsibility. I can open my laptop and work at any time. Also at home, yes, but for my Dutch and to get to know colleagues it is better to be at the office in Alkmaar often. Working and hearing Dutch help me integrate."

Part of society

 "The structure in my life makes me feel useful again and I have concrete goals, such as growing into a senior structural engineer. The stress is gone. Although the wait was long, I always told myself that everything would get better one day. feels like my life has finally begun. I am grateful to Refugee Talent Hub for that. I am now part of a society in motion give back to the Netherlands.”

 Source: Magazien, North Holland