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Knowledge base

Are you considering working with professionals with a refugee background? When it comes to hiring refugee talent, we've developed a lot of knowledge and experience over the past years. We're sharing all of that here - hoping to support you in your journey. We'll also share relevant external information.

All knowledge in one place

The knowledge and experience we’ve gained over the past years - and any relevant new insights – can be found here, to support you in your journey.

September 5th 2024

Having a job puts newcomers back in the driver's seat

  • In practice

Since they are allowed to work more than 24 weeks a year, more and more asylum seekers are finding paid…

August 30th 2024

Start van het Energy Skills Programma

  • In practice

De energietransitie is een van de grootste maatschappelijke uitdagingen van onze tijd. Wist je dat er maar liefst 30.000 professionals…

August 23rd 2024

Five tips & tricks about the new subsidy scheme for employers

  • (Dutch) laws and regulations
  • Laws & Regulations
  • Labor market

From September, the Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment will make more than ten million euros available to support employers…


We've combined some of the most important themes in collections.

  • Dossier

First-hand experiences

This dossier contains 14 articles

Stories about newcomers' and managers' experiences.

  • Dossier

Employment best practice

This dossier contains 10 articles

Topics such as the role of DEI in your organisation and the importance of buy-in, are dealt with in this…

  • Dossier

In practice

This dossier contains 18 articles

This collections consists of information about things you could encounter in practice, such as unconcious bias, cultural differences, et cetera.

  • Dossier

(Dutch) laws and regulations

This dossier contains 10 articles

This collection comprises of information regarding laws and regulations in The Netherlands, applicable to hiring people with a refugee background.