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(Dutch) laws and regulations

This collection comprises of information regarding laws and regulations in The Netherlands, applicable to hiring people with a refugee background.


Below you will find all articles about (Dutch) laws and regulations.

August 23rd 2024

Five tips & tricks about the new subsidy scheme for employers

  • (Dutch) laws and regulations
  • Laws & Regulations
  • Labor market

From September, the Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment will make more than ten million euros available to support employers…

April 26th 2024

Distribution policy inhibits labor participation

  • (Dutch) laws and regulations
  • Laws & rules
  • Understanding & insight
  • Job market

An article by ESB recently showed that the distribution policy for status holders influences their chance of labor participation.

April 11th 2024

Abolition of the 24-week requirement: what happened?

  • (Dutch) laws and regulations

We previously wrote an article about the abolition of the so-called 24-week requirement.