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February 22nd 2024

Meet Gul Zman

  • First-hand experiences
  • Understanding & insight

Meet Gul Zman. Gul is from Pakistan and works for PepsiCo. Gul Zman came to the Netherlands about four years ago. Through a work experience program run by Refugee Talent Hub and Pepsico, Gul has now found a position that suits him well. Watch the video below.

Please note: this article was translated using a translator app

In the video we see a big smile on Gul. Despite limited Dutch language skills, Gul was given the opportunity to work at Pepsico. He started with small jobs, after which he found a position that suited him well. Gul is now working and he receives help where necessary. He learns a lot, including the Dutch language.

 A year ago, PepsiCo and Refugee Talent Hub started work experience placements for newcomers. This collaboration has not only provided valuable work experience, but has also led to several paid jobs for our former candidates. See Gul Zman's video below.