December 21st 2023
2023: great results but greater ambitions
- Understanding & insight
- Partnership
“Refugees are professionals who happen to be born somewhere else,” we have been saying this at Refugee Talent Hub for some time now. Not necessarily the message that now seems to be top of mind in the Netherlands. At least – at first glance. If you look closer (or are in our bubble) it seems that more and more people and organizations see it this way. And that is hopeful.
Please note: this article was translated using a translator appImpact to be proud of
This year we reached the “1000th match”, or a thousand people who found an (internship or) job through Refugee Talent Hub. A thousand jobs: that's worth celebrating, and we celebrated that. With hundreds of newcomers, employers and other stakeholders, we celebrated the thousand lives that have been changed, a thousand times a new beginning, a thousand times a new perspective, a thousand times finally being seen again for who you are - namely that professional who happened to be born somewhere else.
In addition, more than 7,000 employees of employers in our network have committed themselves to newcomers. As a mentor, by providing training, by sharing their knowledge and network. In recent years, we organized more than 600 activities with more than 50 employers, in which more than 8,000 newcomers participated. And if we bring the focus back to 2023: we reached millions of people with our message via Refugee LinkUp , published reports, spoke in the media, received Karien van Gennip, Minister of Social Affairs and Employment, at our office . Through all this, we have demonstrably contributed to closing the gap between refugees and work.
I am extremely proud that we have been able to achieve this with our team. A small group of people who, together with 50 large employers, managed to make a dent in a pack of butter. Because we think it is important and we go for it. So a thousand jobs: that is a milestone and certainly worth celebrating.
A thousand people
And at the same time, the number doesn't mean much to me. Because numbers… Sami is not number 361, he is Sami – a structural engineer at Sweco , who feels back in his power. Samar is not number 18, she is Samar – software engineer at Shell , who was sidelined for years and is now participating again. Ali is not number 758, but Ali – data analyst at Achmea , who dares to embrace the future again.
And there is another reason to name and celebrate those thousand - and question them at the same time. Because a thousand may sound like a lot, but it's not enough. It's just not good enough. Because at the end of 2022, according to UNHCR, there were 110,000 refugees in the Netherlands - and that does not include Ukrainians. More than half of status holders and Ukrainians do not yet have a paid job. In today's labor market, that's crazy. A missed opportunity, on a macroeconomic, business economic , human and social level.
The reasons for this are well known. Language, the lack of a professional network. Processes, procedures and corporate cultures that are not inclusive. The image surrounding refugees in the Netherlands and the sometimes hopeless asylum procedures. I spoke about it, among other things, at our public event in June .
Bigger, wider, higher, more…
But, we also see that it is possible. After all, we celebrated the thousand jobs this year. It's not easy, it's sticky, it's two steps forward and one step back. But it is possible. And so it can also be bigger, wider, higher, more.
Of course we cannot do this alone. This is only possible with others who share our dream: a Netherlands in which employers see and utilize the talents of refugees, and refugees are therefore given the right opportunities on the labor market. And there are many who share that dream, as we now know.
Hence my call for 2024 and beyond: on to one hundred thousand . With anyone who wants to participate.
But now first holiday 😊. Happy Holidays!
PS Interested? More information about becoming a partner can be found here .