June 10th 2022
Loris' tip: keep asking questions
Strength, calm and perseverance, that is what Loris radiates in what she says and how she works. An inspiring example for everyone – this talented lady. Loris is originally from Syria and is doing a work experience program at Arcadis, in collaboration with Refugee Talent Hub.
Please note: this article was translated using a translator appChance
We speak with Loris and her mentor Leonoor, two passionate people in their field: landscape architecture. After studying architecture in Syria, Loris obtained her master's degree in landscape architecture in Hungary. She and her husband then moved to the Netherlands in 2021. By chance she comes into contact with Refugee Talent Hub: her husband volunteers as a translator in the AZC and meets someone from Refugee Talent Hub. This is how they come into contact. There is soon a match with Arcadis and Loris can start an internship at Leonoor in November.
Make an immediate difference
“It really is a dream. I always wanted to work at Arcadis, and now I do! I love my work, my profession.” Her mentor Leonoor has been working at Arcadis as a landscape designer for over 20 years. She works on larger design issues, for example raising the dike or the Zuidas, but also on smaller projects through the KNHM foundation (Royal Dutch Heath Company, ed.). “This foundation supports citizen initiatives, and with that you really make a direct difference to people's living environment. The involvement in those projects is so valuable!”
For the first time, Leonoor is now a mentor to someone with a refugee background. She enjoys it and finds it an educational experience for herself. “It's so nice to see how Loris picks up everything. She is very driven, very eager. Because of corona, I found it quite difficult to be there for her, because everything was at a distance. But I think we managed to handle it well with the team.”
Loris agrees and says: “It's such a good experience for me! I have learned an awful lot; everything is different. New software, a different culture. But I learn quickly. And I always ask questions. If you ask questions, you find out what someone really means. Then you avoid translating something in your head from your perspective. And some things happen very differently in the Netherlands, in a Dutch company and in a team culture. I really had to push myself, because I am naturally very shy. But it worked: I now understand many more things.”
It is impressive how quickly Loris has mastered the Dutch language. Because, she says, “by learning the language, you can also understand the culture better.” The next step will be the jargon - there lies another challenge. Fortunately, Leonoor only speaks Dutch to Loris. “That's so nice, because I learn a lot from it! And it is sometimes difficult, but it really helps me.”
An asset
“I am extremely grateful that this came my way. As a refugee it is really difficult to enter the labor market in the Netherlands. And this was such a great opportunity! I see people who have lived here for five years and have not yet been able to find a job. I feel privileged and I hope that sharing my story will provide inspiration for other refugees who dream about an opportunity in the Netherlands.”
Now that corona is behind us, Loris is looking forward to working more at the office with her team and having drinks afterwards. She has already been able to work on beautiful projects by, for example, designing 3D models. And it shows that she is an asset: she recently signed a contract with Arcadis. Congratulations, Loris!