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October 7th 2024

Refugee Talent Hub continues RefugeeWork activities

As of October 1, 2024, the matching platform RefugeeWork will be owned by Refugee Talent Hub.

Please note: this article was translated using a translator app

Our dream is a Netherlands in which employers see and use the talents of refugees and refugees therefore have the right opportunities on the labor market. To achieve this dream, we continuously work together with corporate and social partners who also feel addressed by this.

RefugeeWork is one of the social partners we have been working with since it was launched in November 2022. This platform aims to make the path to the Dutch labor market accessible for candidates with a refugee background. In 11 languages ​​and based on skills, RefugeeWork supports online matching between candidates and employers. More than 11,000 candidates and 700 employers have registered on the platform.

Wilma Roozenboom, director of Refugee Talent Hub: “When it became apparent that RefugeeWork’s services might be terminated, we stepped forward: it would be a shame to lose this. Because the platform fits in seamlessly with our dream, we believe it is important to be able to continue RefugeeWork’s activities.”

 Ron Steenkuijl, director of RefugeeWork: “We are very pleased that Refugee Talent Hub will become the new home of RefugeeWork. Refugee Talent Hub is a robust party with an excellent track record. We have every confidence that the team of Refugee Talent Hub will successfully continue to develop the platform.”Frank Candel, Chairman of the Board of Directors of VluchtelingenWerk: “Ron Steenkuil and I enthusiastically started RefugeeWork with the support of the Start Foundation. After a flying start, we got stuck for various reasons. In the end, we did not get the funding. Refugee Talent Hub has been one of our most important stakeholders from the start. We are really happy that they are taking over this initiative from us and deserve our full support.”

Wilma: “We will take the time until the end of the year to create a new content plan for RefugeeWork together with all relevant interested parties. We will also look at a sustainable financing model. This is an exciting step for our organization, but we are very much looking forward to working with our partners on a future-proof platform that will bring employers and newcomers together.”

In the meantime, nothing changes

Employers and newcomers can continue to use the existing functionalities of the platform in the meantime. All users have been personally informed about this and will be informed again about the developments before the end of the year. Do you have any questions until then? Then you can contact Iris Bloem .

Want to think along?

Social organizations and other interested parties who would like to think about the future of RefugeeWork: please register with Iris via .