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June 2nd 2023

I think the HR profession is the best there is

  • In practice
  • Partnership
  • HR in L&D

In 2022, Bunchmark was closely involved in the professionalization we went through as a team at Refugee Talent Hub. Auke Swinkels, founder of Bunchmark, and a colleague facilitated a number of workshops with the Refugee Talent Hub team - including about the unwritten rules and the DISC profiles in the team. The start of a long-term collaboration.

Please note: this article was translated using a translator app

In the Refugee Talent Hub annual report of 2022, Auke says: “It was actually love at first sight when we sat opposite Refugee Talent Hub, immediately captivated by their passion, energy and ambitions. And that turned out well, because we, Bunchmark, were looking for a great organization with issues to which we could contribute. We started the collaboration with Refugee Talent Hub because we have the same mission, on a different playing field: creating an equal and inclusive context where people have opportunities and can optimally use their talents.”

“I think the HR profession is the best there is”

 Bunchmark is now not only involved in internal HR matters, but has also supported the team during the Refugee LinkUp campaign (awareness campaign in which corporate participants shared their network with a participating status holder for more than two weeks, ed.). Mara Schutter is an HR consultant at Bunchmark and was closely involved in coaching the participating status holders.

 “I think the HR profession is the best there is and I really enjoy helping build an organization. The combination of the different sides of HR appeals to me so much. And that was also one of the things that immediately appealed to me about Refugee LinkUp: it combined all kinds of HR aspects and also for a good cause. Plus, the atmosphere at Refugee Talent Hub is so special: everyone can be themselves, is equal and immediately feels at home. A nice match! You can't make me happier,” says Mara enthusiastically.

Unwritten rules

 About the Refugee LinkUp campaign, she continues: “Imagine that you are not used to LinkedIn and then suddenly share your profile with a senior corporate boss who has more than a thousand followers. That was really overwhelming for some, and it was very valuable for us to also see that side of the campaign and be able to support it. We have guided the status holders in this; Together with Refugee Talent Hub we have provided LinkedIn training and added our perspective ('how does an HR professional look at your profile'). It was so nice to see how eager everyone was to present their profile well.”

 The follow-up during and after the campaign also proved to be very valuable: the Bunchmark team called almost all candidates about their experiences during the campaign, how to deal with responses on LinkedIn, or how to prepare an interview, for example. “The personal part of a job interview is difficult for many people from a different cultural background – they are often not used to it from their culture. And then suddenly having to talk about your hobbies feels strange,” says Mara. “Another important thing was expectation management. Not every tag or response on LinkedIn immediately leads to a job. Very logical to me, but that was clearly not the case for everyone. You notice that there are many more unwritten rules than you are initially aware of.”

How can it be…

 It was also a real eye-opener for Mara: “How is it possible that such talented people have so little chance of finding a job? You really want to do more…. And there are 80,000, we helped 25. That's just the tip of the iceberg. I hope that we have contributed to more awareness in the Netherlands about this. For me, the value of that personal attention for all participants was very nice. It really felt like I had made a difference, contributed to a more beautiful world.”

Tips for other organizations

 Mara is convinced: “It is important for all organizations to really take that step towards a more diverse and inclusive team. And don't just say it, but also look at the possibilities - over any obstacles. Status holders have a lot to offer with their life experience; it's a win-win.”

 “Take the time for a job interview with a status holder. Look beyond their resume; skills can be developed. It's about the person and a learning attitude. If you really sit down and think about it, people will tell great stories about their work experience and ambitions. That attention for each other is important and will only yield you more.”