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March 14th 2024

Podcast Tip: Our Crossroads Quarter

  • In practice

Colleagues Wilma Roozenboom and Samina Ahmed were recently guests in the video podcast 'Ons Kruispunt Kwartiertje'. In this podcast, Kevin de Groot shares stories with newcomers or people who work a lot with newcomers.

Please note: this article was translated using a translator app

Wilma and Samina talk to podcast host Kevin de Groot about the work of Refugee Talent Hub and why it is so important. The added value of mentor programs, finding mentors and how Refugee Talent Hub involves people in its mission are discussed. Samina shares her own story and how she met Wilma at an event, which eventually led to the role of program manager at Refugee Talent Hub.

 Samina: "I found it educational to participate in this podcast. It shows that you can speak naturally and just be yourself. I shared my experience about how I found my way to a paid job."

 What message do you want to give to the listeners?

 “Remain confident in yourself, because in the end you will succeed. I have shown that it is possible to achieve your goals and dreams, no matter how great the challenges - Let your dreams fly, give them wings and be who you want to be.”

 Curious about the conversation? Check out the video of this inspiring podcast here ! 🌟