Employers happy with status holders: 'Staff shortage? Never had a problem with it.'
Asylym seekers & work
More and more employers are discovering the benefits of hiring status holders. With the right guidance and support, newcomers can successfully integrate into the team and become valuable employees in the long term. This article is based on insights from a publication by Divosa on 6 February and offers practical tips for employers.
Many status holders are eager to work and companies are desperate for staff. Employers such as Nancy van der Vin, co-owner of landscaping company Rosa Novum , notice that status holders are extremely motivated. Her company has been working with people with a distance to the labor market for years and sees that these employees develop strongly when they receive the right guidance. Not only do they offer a solution for the staff shortage, they also bring motivation and diversity to the workplace.
A good example is Jasur Abibula, who started at Rosa Novum in 2016 as a gardener and has since grown to foreman. 'I feel at home at this company. I used to be insecure about my Dutch, but I have learned a lot here.'
Jasur Abibula, working at Rosa Novum since 2016
Grants and support
To help employers support status holders, the government has created the SOWIS subsidy . This allows companies to finance support for language and cultural training, coaching and the translation of safety regulations. The subsidy can amount to up to €24,000 per company for the support of four status holders. A new period for applications will open in the spring.
Do you want to give status holders a chance in your company, but are you looking for an entrance?
Contact a regional connector:They can assist with grant applications and provide practical support.
Make use of the SOWIS subsidy:Register now in the subsidy portal and request support for language and culture training.
My tip: look at employers in your network who are already doing this and how it works there. There are many great examples to be found.
Coen Bouricius, beleidsmedewerker bij het ministerie van Sociale Zaken en Werkgelegenheid
Tips for the workplace
Are you an employer looking for practical tips & tricks for the workplace? Check out the tips below (or download the handout from the Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment):
Have a coach on the job: This could be a colleague or someone you hire to provide guidance on multiple levels.
Give status holders time to get used to things: Build up expectations slowly and give them space to understand the work culture.
Make clear agreements: Indicate explicitly what you expect, for example that 'starting at 8 o'clock' means that you will be there a little earlier.
Pair employees with a colleague who speaks the same language: This helps with language development and makes for a less lonely work experience.
Be aware of unspoken rules: Not everything is obvious to newcomers. Explain customs and expectations explicitly.
Want to know more? With the right approach, status holders can develop into valuable employees and enrich your team. Want to know more about how to tackle this successfully? Read the full publication by Divosa here.