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June 16th 2023

Event Newcomers & Work 2023

"Refugees are professionals who happen to be born somewhere else": Refugee Talent Hub's annual event is about the need to look at talent differently, and look beyond 'labels' and stereotypes. Because if we look beyond the label 'refugee' or 'status holder' and put aside our prejudices, we see how it can be done.

Please note: this article was translated using a translator app

"Refugees are professionals who happen to be born somewhere else"

 You have heard us make this statement before, and recently it was even the headline of the article in the FD about the working visit of Minister Karien van Gennip to our office. This statement belongs to Refugee Talent Hub and fits our dream: a Netherlands in which employers see and use the talents of refugees and refugees therefore have equal opportunities on the labor market.

 This sentence also plays a major role during our annual event on June 26 . Are you also there?

 We are going to talk about the need to look at talent differently , and look beyond 'labels' and stereotypes. Because if we look beyond the label 'refugee' or 'status holder' and put aside our prejudices, we see how it can be done. And that's what we wish for everyone.

Inspire, network, share knowledge

 On June 26, we will therefore provide a varied program in which the theme 'newcomers & work' is highlighted from different angles:

 • Shadi Alhakimi , founder of Taaly and one of the 2023 MT Sprout Inclusive 30 , shares his story and discusses what imaging does to you;

 •In an employers' panel, Gülsah Bas from Rabobank, Coby Woerdman-Veldhuis from Arcadis, John Zwanepol from NTT Global and Consheeta Samoedj from Pon will discuss what happens when you look at talent differently;

 • Anke den Ouden , CEO of Microsoft Netherlands, looks at the social importance and the business case with regard to newcomers and work;

 • Lukasz Ostrowski , interim CEO of IKEA Netherlands, shares IKEA's vision on the narrative surrounding refugees;

 •A plea for an open mind from the Turkish-Dutch writer, speaker and publicist Dilara Bilgiç ;

 • Samira Belkaid and Fleur Osté from Ben & Jerry's explain their campaign 'Half containers of ice cream for half-baked measures';

 • Didi Sutisna , creative director at 180 Amsterdam, talks about the power of a network.

 Chairman Milka Yemane will ensure the event runs smoothly. Afterwards there will of course be plenty of opportunity to chat and network. This year the event will take place at Move Amsterdam , in collaboration with our partner Pon.

For whom? We organize this afternoon for our corporate partners, other employers, newcomers, social organizations and other interested parties. So you and your colleagues are invited to attend; let's move to a better world!

 Register via Eventbrite