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October 10th 2022

I believe we can really make a difference

Shell and Refugee Talent Hub started working together earlier this year; a valuable partnership that brings together current challenges in the labor market, refugee talents, the energy transition and Diversity & Inclusion. The first program we started together, a learning program for IT talent, was a success: 16 of the 19 participants were offered a contract with Shell! Reason enough to interview two participants, Ali Katlabi and Khaled Alsaleh, and the social impact director of Shell. Anne Schreuder, about the IT program and the value of work.

Please note: this article was translated using a translator app

Want to work

Ali and Khaled – both originally from Syria – share an eagerness to work. They are passionate about what they do and don't waste time looking for opportunities. “From the moment I arrived in the Netherlands, I started looking for jobs and making contacts with organizations that support refugees,” says Khaled. Both men were immediately enthusiastic when they came across this program at Shell. “It looked perfect,” says Ali. “A small group, training in problem solving, presentation skills, soft skills, a large international organization… it really appealed to me.”

Khaled nods and adds: “The courses and material were very structured and professional. There were different courses to choose from, different platforms to learn, different areas to specialize in. And the combination with soft skills was great and very useful.”


“The support we felt from our friends and managers was great from the start,” says Ali. “We felt at home from day one; they really created a safe learning environment for us. We could ask all kinds of questions, it was informal and it was all aimed at helping everyone grow. That really meant a lot.” The 19 participants also joined a WhatsApp group and got to know each other over pizza. It created a sense of community. “Exactly what we were looking for,” says Anne. “My impact team, the managers, the buddies and everyone else involved – we have all worked so hard to make this a successful program. This is great feedback; incredibly enriching.”

Make a difference

“In my role as director of social impact, my goal is to find ways to combine business needs with social impact. For example, as part of Shell's focus on an inclusive transition, I look at ways to create employment for all talent. As soon as I met Refugee Talent Hub, I knew we would be a good fit. I believe we can really make a difference,” Anne continues.

The IT program is designed in such a way that it also includes learning opportunities for Shell colleagues. Each participant had a buddy, a line manager and a technical buddy. For many of them it was their first personal meeting with a refugee. “Personal meetings are so powerful. They change the way people think: from 'us and them' to 'we'. And even though we are already very international, we all have unconscious biases. I have noticed in recent months that the barriers have been crumbling,” she laughs. “For this to succeed, it is crucial to have support from the executive level and know that everyone is intrinsically motivated. This is 100% present at Shell. We are already talking about next steps: turning this program into a blueprint. It generated so much positive energy within Shell that it has sparked ideas to copy this to other departments and countries.”

Value of work

It leads us to a deeper conversation about the value of work. A meaningful moment that makes us realize once again that we all have the same needs and wishes, wherever we come from and whatever our role. Khaled, Ali, and Anne all use similar words to describe what the value of work is to them personally: autonomy, independence, self-esteem, growth, energy, happiness, goals, being active, contributing to the community, supporting my family, the opportunity to flourish.

“When I got a contract with Shell, I felt so proud,” says Khaled. “It filled me with appreciation,” Ali adds. “It made me feel appreciated.”

“And that,” they continue together, “is what we also wish for other refugees. And we know that opportunities don't just fly your way. That's why we have some tips:

  • Make a plan and set yourself a goal
  • Learn the language
  • Be open to other ideas
  • Learn new things; keep growing
  • Believe you can do it!”

🎞️ See this video about the Shell Learning Program for Refugee Talents

New program alert!

Did you become enthusiastic after reading this story? We have good news to share! Because after the success of this first Learning Program, Shell and the Refugee Talent Hub are organizing a second 4-6 month unpaid learning program for refugees [status holders]. We invite you to what we believe will be an incredible, fun and rewarding learning journey, to collaborate and learn from each other.\n\nRead more and register before November 12. Click here .